

Keeping in Touch
Sunday Services at 6.30pm
A Very Warm Welcome

May God s Love Light your way and lead you into a New Year that shines with His Joy.

Happy New Year

For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11



Evening Service


Mrs. Norma Huxter



Evening Service, with Communion 6.30pm

Mr. Charles deLacy



Evening Service


Rev. Jenny Haggar



Evening Service


Rev. Malcolm Boulter






Evening Service


Mr. Thomas Dodd



Evening Service, with Communion 6.30pm

Mr. Charles deLacy



Evening Service


Rev. Jenny Haggar




Evening Service


To be advised

What s On in JANUARY

Thurs 2nd Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Sun 5th Evening Service, Mrs. Norma Huxter 18.30-19.30

Tues 7th Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00

Tues 7th Quiet Coffee & Chat Decorations down 10.00-12.00

Thurs 9th Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Fri 10th Ladies What Chill 20.00

Sun 12th Evening Service, Mr. Charles deLacy 18.30-19.30

Tues 14th Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00

Tues 14th Meet up @ Coffee & Chat (Warm Space) 10.00-12.00

Thurs 16th Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Sun 19th Evening Service, Rev. Jenny Haggar 18.30.-19.30

Tues 21st Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00

Tues 21st Meet Up Coffee & Chat (Warm Space) 10.00-12.00

Thurs 23rd Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Sun 26th Evening Service, Rev. Malcolm Boulter 18.30-19.30

Tues 28th Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00

Tues 28th Meet up @ Coffee & Chat Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Thurs 30th Knit & Natter ( Warm Space) 10.00-12.00


I have lots of thank you s, as always, but firstly blessings for 2025. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and took the opportunity to relax and rest. Of course December was extremely busy and the weather was not very nice either. Our first thank you goes to Carol Hutchings and her helpers for the Christingle Service and for supplying all the bits and pieces needed to make our Christingles, oranges, sweets and leading the service. Also Denise and gang for organising all the catering for this service. It was great to see so many friends and families all come along. A collection for the Children s Society was taken.

Another big thank you to Denise & Mandy for our Coffee & Chat Christmas lunch party. It was fantastic to have the Silver Boys John and Tom there to entertain us with Christmas tunes. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the delicious lunch you were all very generous.

Choose Your Own Carols was well attended and it was another occasion when everyone helps with the food and drink afterwards for which I am very grateful, thank you.

The Candlelit Carol Service was very special and it was good to see new faces come along and stay afterwards. Many thanks to those who offered to do the Bible Readings for this service. A big thank you to the Rev. Malcolm Boulter who led this service, as it followed the Christmas story with carols and readings. Malcolm also sang 6 solos enhancing the message of Christmas. Our Christmas offering will be donated to a worthy charity, but this has not yet been decided on.

Christmas Day, was very informal as usual, with madness as well as carols and thoughts.

Thank you to those who have offered help to take down the decorations for another year. It has been a good year and we couldn t have done it without all your help, Thank You. We now look forward to starting a New Year with New Opportunities and Blessings


Be encouraged

King George VI sought in his Christmas Day radio broadcast to encourage citizens of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth to put their trust in God Quoting a poem that his family found precious, he said ..


Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way. He didn t know what the new year would bring but he trusted God to guide and uphold them in the anxious days ahead.


The image of God s hand appears in many places in the Bible, including in the book of Isaiah. Through this prophet, God called His people to trust that He as their creator, the first and the last would remain involved with them. As He says, My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens.

Whatever we face as we look towards the New Year, we can follow the encouragement of King George and the prophet Isaiah and place our hope and trust in God. As you consider the New Year, what situations or relationships could you entrust to God? How does the image of His hand speak to you? All powerful God, You created the heavens and the earth and yet You cherish me. I place my trust in You

May God bless each of your days in this 2025

and fill your life with peace and love.


2025 Put God first in everything

2025 Make prayer a daily breath

2025 Read a passage of God s Word everyday

2025 Walk by faith, not by sight

2025 Trust the Lord with all your heart

2025 Focus on Jesus. Not the world

2025 Always trust God s plan Amen

CHURCH CONTACTS- on line www.silverendcongregationalchurch.org

Coffee & Chat Tuesday 10.00 - 12 noon

Church Treasurer & Enquiries Mrs. S. Gray Tel. 07710 285214

e.mail sharon@silverend.org

Church Post Code CM8 3QF (Silver Street)

Silver End Guiding Group Contact Mrs. Carol Hutchings 07857 663959

Rainbows, Guides, Brownies, Rangers & other groups

Monday Miffy s Fab & Fit 9.30-10.30am

Tuesday Silver Swans Movement Class 9.45-12 Contact Gemma - 07597 649240

Wednesday MOTHER & Baby fitness class 10.30-11.30 - Contact Leila -07964 076493

Wednesday Carolyn s Dance Group - Disco/Street Dance Contact Harriet 07855 014717

Thursday SILVER TOTS (Baby & Toddler Group) at 9.45am- Nikki -07809 761902 (Term Time)

Thursday Knit & Natter 10.00 12 noon Contact, Barbara 01376 585467

Thursday Miffy s Fab & Fit 6.30-7.30pm

Friday Ladies What Chill Group Contact Nicki for details nickicyp@yahoo.co.uk

Sat Pilates Class Contact Leila 07964 076493

SCOUT GROUP Dan Sutton (Scout Leader) dan@silverend-scouts.org.uk 07970 730636


New Year Prayer

Heavenly Father, as a new year begins, please grant us the mercy and grace that we need for every single day. We cannot live without You so give us an increasing desire to know You more that we may fulfil Your purposes in and through our lives. In Jesus name. Amen


For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say No to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Titus 2:11-12 NIV


We give God thanks for His encouragements last year and we look to Him to give us light to shine for Him, wisdom and direction to do His will this New Year.

Many people have suffered terrible tragedies in our Country over the last month. There have been acts of terrorism in Germany, America and terrible murders in this land. Plus awful floods over the Christmas period with gales and heavy rain on already saturated land. Houses and businesses have been flooded. It breaks your heart to hear and read about such events and all the people involved. Please pray for them.

The terrible, tragic boat accident in Egypt at the beginning of December caused heartache and terrible grief to Sarah and Jonathan Barker. Sarah s cousin Jenny and her husband Tarig were the young couple whose bodies hadn t been found. It is all so shocking. Please pray for Sarah, her family, and family and friends of the others who were lost and the survivors.

Please remember all the young people returning to Nurseries, Schools, Colleges and Universities. Pray for them as their lives are shaped by our Education system. Lord please protect them from anything that is not honouring to You. Pray for all the teaching staff, lecturers, and chaplains. Please continue to pray for CYO who work in our local schools.

Keep in your prayers people from this fellowship and village who need to be upheld. Pray for Brenda, Shelia, Doreen, Judy, Iris, Sarah & Jonathan, Barbara & Charles, Jean, Denise. We lift each one to the Lord and others known to us, Lord bless and help each one.