Keeping in Touch
Sunday Services at 6.30pm
A Very Warm Welcome
May God s Love, Light your way and lead you
Ask, Seek, Knock
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8
Evening Service
Mr. Thomas Dodd
Evening Service,
with Communion 6.30pm
Mr. Charles deLacy
Evening Service
Mrs. Norma Huxter,
Evening Service
Mr. Keith Ives,
Evening Service
Mr. Thomas Dodd
Evening Service,
with Communion 6.30pm
Mr. Charles deLacy
Evening Service
Rev. Jenny Haggar
Evening Service
Rev. Malcolm Boulter
Mothering Sunday
Family Parade
Service 10am
Mrs. Penny Bloom
What s On in FEBRUARY
Sun 2nd Evening Service, Mr. Thomas Dodd 18.30-19.30
Tues 4th Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00
Tues 4th Meet Up @ Coffee & Chat (Warm Space) 10.00-12.00
Thurs 6th Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00
Sun 9th Evening Service, Mr. Charles deLacy 18.30-19.30
Tues 11th Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00
Tues 11th Meet up @ Coffee & Chat (Warm Space) 10.00-12.00
Valentine Day Special
Thurs 13th Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00
Sun 16th Evening Service, Mrs. Norma Huxter 18.30.-19.30
Mon 17th Half Term FLOORS SEALED
Tues 18th Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00
Tues 18th Meet Up Coffee & Chat (Warm Space) 10.00-12.00
Thurs 20th Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00
Sun 23rd Evening Service, Mr. Keith Ives 18.30-19.30
Tues 25th Prayers in the vestry 9.45-10.00
Tues 25th Meet up @ Coffee & Chat Warm Space 10.00-12.00
Thurs 27th Knit & Natter ( Warm Space) 10.00-12.00
Looking ahead to March
Sat 1st Church Meeting 10.00am
The new year has kicked off as busy as ever, with lots of offers of help which is always very much appreciated. Firstly thank you to those who came and helped take down all the Christmas decorations on the first Tuesday after Christmas. You all worked so hard and got it all done and packed away ready for next time. It was great to see so many come along before we started the coffee morning officially. Thank you too for all the generous contributions you bring on a Tuesday, lovely delicious homemade cakes or shop bought. You are all very generous. Thank you very much.
At the beginning of December last year I forgot to mention and thank our very good neighbour Duncan who jet washed all of the church paths for us; removing all the slippery moss and dirt. They look absolutely beautiful now and Duncan worked so hard, I know it took him absolutely hours, plus all the water and electricity he used. We can never repay so much thoughtfulness and kindness from people. The church is very blessed to have people who care and go to such trouble. Please if you see Duncan out in his garden, would you make the effort to say thank you. He has had a very difficult year physically after an accident at work over a year ago,
We also have some work going on in the church garden. Unfortunately the tree behind John & Lyn s bench is dying and we have decided to remove it for safety reasons. We will plant a tree to replace the one we are taking out. But on the positive side Daphne is creating a flower bed for some memorial roses in memory of Anne Smith whose dedication to the fellowship was immense. The church is going to purchase a metal arch over the bench for 2 climbing roses to cover, plus we will have two or three roses directly behind the bench so it should look lovely. We do thank Daphne for undertaking all the digging and preparation needed. We hope at a later date to have a gathering to dedicate this Memorial Arch and Rose Bed to Anne s memory.
Silver End Congregational Church Bank details:-
Barclays Bank
Account Name: Silver End Congregational Church
Sort Code: 20-97-40 Account No: 70300969
January and February can be very tough months for all sorts of reason. It is cold, it is dark, and it s a long time to wait for pay day for anyone working. Often there is a lot of illness around too. Life is hard and we can all feel very low. We can t wait for brighter skies and signs of spring but we still have to be very thankful for all our blessings. When you see all that is happening on our TV s in this country and all over the world, it is frightening. We also have our own issues and worries, poor health or whatever it may be and finding life difficult to cope with. I was reminded of this newer hymn, that we occasionally sing.
Lord I come to You, let my heart be changed renewed ,
flowing from the grace that I found in You.
And Lord, I ve come to know the weaknesses I see in me
will be stripped away by the power of Your love.
Hold me close, let Your love surround me;
Bring me near. Draw me to Your side
And as I wait, I ll rise up like the eagle,
And I will soar with You, Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your Love
Lord, unveil my eyes, let me see You Face to face
the knowledge of Your love As you live in me.
Lord, renew my mind, as Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day in the power of Your love
CHURCH CONTACTS- on line www.silverendcongregationalchurch.org
Coffee & Chat Tuesday 10.00 - 12 noon
Church Treasurer & Enquiries Mrs. S. Gray Tel. 07710 285214 sharon@silverend.org
Church Post Code CM8 3QF (Silver Street)
Silver End Guiding Group Contact Mrs. Carol Hutchings 07857 663959
Rainbows, Guides, Brownies, Rangers & other groups
Monday Miffy s Fab & Fit 9.30-10.30am
Tuesday Silver Swans Movement Class 9.45-12 Contact Gemma - 07597 649240
Wednesday MOTHER & Baby fitness class 10.30-11.30 -Contact Leila -07964 076493
Wednesday Carolyn s Dance Group - Disco/Street Dance
Contact Harriet 07855 014717
Thursday SILVER TOTS (Baby & Toddler Group) at 9.45am- Nikki -07809 761902 (Term Time)
Thursday Knit & Natter 10.00 12 noon Contact, Barbara 01376 585467
Thursday Miffy s Fab & Fit 6.30-7.30pm
Friday Ladies What Chill Group Contact Nicki for details nickicyp@yahoo.co.uk
Sat Pilates Class Contact Leila 07964 076493
SCOUT GROUP Dan Sutton (Scout Leader) dan@silverend-scouts.org.uk
07970 730636
Psalm 71:3
Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me for you are my rock and my fortress.
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5
We give God thanks for His encouragements, we give Him thanks that He is our strength and refuge, our present help in trouble .God the Lord of hosts is with us evermore!
We give God thanks for the ceasefire in Palestine and pray that it will hold and more hostages will be released. Pray for Peace. Please remember all the other conflicts around the world, many we do not really hear about, but we would especially pray for the Ukraine. They have suffered so much. We would remember the Russian people too.
We give God thanks for the Speakers who come and bring His Word to us each week. We thank Him, that they are so willing to come over to Silver End for so few a number.
We remember Auschwitz 80 years on. The horror of what happened to the Jewish race was horrendous. We must never, never forget! We pray for the survivors who are left and their families.
Please remember all those dear ones in need of our prayers. We especially lift Rebecca s family. Rebecca died on Christmas Eve leaving 3 young children. Lord Comfort, Protect and surround them with Your love we pray.
Please continue to remember Sarah and Jonathan in their tragic loss. We also lift before you Erica, Margaret, Margaret & Michael (Rose s daughter) Denise, Liz, Brenda, Shelia, Doreen, Judy & David, Barbara, David. So many people we know who are really struggling at this time, we lift them to the Lord.
We pray for the work of Enpower previously known as C.Y.O they work in schools around our area and do a fantastic job. We pray a blessing on their work and for all who work or volunteer for this special group,
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:10