

Keeping in Touch
Sunday Services at 6.30pm
A Very Warm Welcome

Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:11




Mrs. Carol Hutchings




A relaxed informal & fun Service. Seasonal refreshments


Traditional Carol Service By Candlelight at 6.30pm

Mr. Charles deLacy Chelmsford



NO SERVICE HERE Join with St. Francis




Carols around the Tree 10.30

Christmas Family Service









Evening Service


Mrs. Norma Huxter



Evening Service Communion 6.30pm

Mr Charles deLacy,



vening Service


Rev. Jenny Haggar,



Evening Service


Mrs. Norma Huxter,




What s On in DECEMBER

Sun 3rd Christingle Service starting at 4pm. Come and make your own Christingle. Enjoy a Cuppa and some cake. Service begins 5pm

Tues 5th Prayer in the vestry 9.45-10.00

Meet up @ Coffee & Chat, Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Thurs 7th Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Fri 8th Ladies Who Chill friendship Group, 7.30- 9.30pm

All Welcome Contact Nicki 07773 531055

Sat 9th St. Francis Christmas Lunch 12 Noon 2pm cost 5

Sun 10th Choose Your Own Carols Come and enjoy a relaxed and informal service. Followed by seasonal refreshments. All Welcome

Tues 12th Prayer in the vestry 9.45-10.00

Meet up @ Coffee & Chat, Warm Space Christmas Party with special guest entertainers John & Tom from BreakFill Four and a Singalong Christmas songs. Plus a Christmas Quiz

Thurs 14th Knit & Natter warm space 10.00-12.00

Sun 17th CAROLS by CANDLELIGHT Traditional Carols and Lessons at 6.30pm Mr. Charles deLacy. Followed by Seasonal Refreshments

Thurs 21st Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Sun 24th NO SERVICE Please join St. Francis at 4pm for Crib Service

Mon 25th CHRISTMAS DAY Happy Christmas! Service 10.30 Carols around the Tree Something for all the Family

Thurs 28th Knit & Natter 10.00-12.00



Coffee and Chat Re-Start 9th January


Where has this year gone?? Our thoughts are now turning towards Christmas. November is always a busy month and then suddenly December is here and the pressure can begin, I know I feel it with a big family and all the extra special church services and events at Christmas. I remind myself not to worry and focus on what is important. Love (Jesus) came down at Christmas. We can all count our blessings, there are always people so much worse off than ourselves. So lets focus on the true meaning of Christmas and experience what is important Love, Joy and Peace

Earth could not contain the treasures heaven holds for you,

Perfect joy and lasting pleasures, Love so strong and true.

May His tender love surround you at this Christmas time;

May you see His smiling face that in the darkness shines.

As I said November was a very busy month. A huge thank you to Charles deLacy and Dan Sutton for the very moving and thought provoking Remembrance Day Service. The hall was packed and the young people looked impeccably dressed and they were so well behaved They all are a real credit to this village. The offering came to 396.57 for the Royal British Legion plus an extra 50 from the previous Coffee & Chat remembrance coffee morning. A cheque has been sent off. Coffee and Chat also have recently sent 215.04 for MacMillan and we did Children in Need again this year raising 172.00. Mandy did a wonderful job organising both of these special events. Such a lot of work goes into these events and with Denise being far from well for this last one (but still taking part) Mandy s Granddaughter Eva, helped Mandy set everything out in the kitchen and on the tables even helping carry extra tables. She asked if she could take the day off of school to help out! Obviously the answer had to be no. But a big thank you Eva. Church Garden, We have had another big bonfire. Daphne has been very hard at work cutting tree branches and brambles. It took her 3 hours the other Tuesday afternoon to just build the fire. We met up at the church that night and managed to burn a huge amount of garden waste, Daphne was very happy!!

I have some sad news to share for those who haven t already heard, that Rose Jupp a dear friend of this church has died at the wonderful age of 96. I m sure we all have many memories of Rose through many years. During Covid Rose moved into her daughters house where she received wonderful care from Margaret and Michael. Her last few months she has been living in Boars Tyre House where she was also very well cared for. We give thanks for Rose and please keep all her family in your prayers.

CHURCH CONTACTS- on line www.silverendcongregationalchurch.org

Coffee & Chat Tuesday 10.00 - 12 noon

Church Treasurer & Enquiries Mrs. S. Gray Tel. 07710 285214

e.mail sharon@silverend.org

Church Telephone No. 01376 584306 Post Code CM8 3QF (Silver Street)

Silver End Guiding Group Contact Mrs. Carol Hutchings 07857 663959

Rainbows, Guides, Brownies, Rangers & other groups

Monday Miffy s Fab & Fit 9.30-10.30am

Tuesday Silver Swans Movement Class 9.45-12 Contact Gemma 07597 649240

Wednesday Carolyn s Dance Group - Disco/Street Dance Contact Harriet 07855 014717

Thursday SILVER TOTS (Baby & Toddler Group) at 9.45am- Nikki 07809 761902 (Term Time)

Thursday Knit & Natter Thursday 10.00 12 noon Contact, Barbara 01376 585467

Thursday Miffy s Fab & Fit 6-7pm

Friday Ladies who Chill Group Contact Nicki for details nickicyp@yahoo.co.uk

SCOUT GROUP Dan Sutton (Scout Leader) dan@silverend-scouts.org.uk

07970 730636


Our Prayer

Heavenly father the GOD whose glory fills all the earth, thank You for bestowing Your amazing grace and mercy upon us once again. You keep us throughout the day and watch over us at night. Thank You for never leaving us alone. Your sweet HOLY SPIRIT IS ALWAYS WITH US TO BE OUR divine helper, comforter and guide. Thank You for Your faithful love and care in the wonderful name of Jesus WE PRAY. Amen

Prayer is our special time with God. It is a time when we can take time out of our busy lives, a time to shut out all of life s distractions, daily worries and the business of the week. To find a quiet space, to shut our eyes, shutting out distractions just for a few moments. To bring before God our thankfulness and our concerns, to be still ..

Our Prayers

Lord God, may we your people who look forward to the coming of Christ, experience the joy of salvation and celebrate his coming with love and thanksgiving. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

We give you thanks for the opportunities we have to share the Love of Jesus as we celebrate His birth.

Remember in your prayers all who will be alone this Christmas, those in hospital, those living on the streets, those who are grieving and will find Christmas a very difficult time.

Remember all who will be working over Christmas in hospitals, on farms with livestock, the emergency services on land, sea and air. Help us never to take things for granted and to be thankful for all our blessings.

Please pray for this fellowship, at this time. Pray that God will bring new opportunities to share the love of Jesus and bring people to the church. Please pray too for all the groups who use our buildings, bless each one. . We also pray for all who are struggling at this time with mobility, depression, loneliness, illness, being housebound and those in Care Homes. We lift them to God. Lord please watch over and be with Anne, Doreen, Brenda, Val, Don, Ted, Margaret and Michael.

We pray for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and all of the Middle East. The people still devastated by Hurricanes, Earthquakes and floods recently. So much sorrow and pain. Lord have mercy, we pray

New Year s Day Merciful Father, as this new year begins may our eyes be fixed on Jesus the pioneer and perfector of our faith. May our souls be refreshed by the living water of Your Spirit and our paths illumined by Your Word. Please forgive our sins, and lead us in Your righteousness to love and bless this needy world. In Christ s name. Amen