

Keeping in Touch
Sunday Services at 6.30pm
A Very Warm Welcome

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21



Evening Service


Mrs. Penny Bloom



Evening Service

Communion 6.30pm

Mr. Charles deLacy



Evening Service


Mr. Keith Ives



Evening Service


Rev. Jenny Haggar






Evening Service


Mr. Thomas Dodd,




Evening Service

Communion 6.30pm

Mr. Charles deLacy




Evening Service


Mr. Cyril Bamforth



Evening Service


Rev. Jenny Haggar


For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind. The man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. 1 Timothy 2:5-6



What s On in APRIL

Tues 2nd Prayer in the vestry 9.45-10.00

Meet up @ Coffee & Chat, Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Thurs 4th Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Sun 7th Evening Service Penny & Bob 18.30-19.30

Mon 8th FLOORS SEALED in church halls

Tues 9th Prayer in the vestry 9.45-10.00

Meet up @ Coffee & Chat warm space 10.00-1200

Thurs 11th Knit & Natter warm space 10.00-12.00

Fri 12th Ladies Group 20.00-

Sun 14th Evening Service Charles deLacy 18.30-19.30

Tues 16th Prayers in the Vestry 9.45-10.00

Meet up @ Coffee & Chat 10.00-12.00

Thurs 18th Knit & Natter Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Sun 21st Evening Service Mr. Keith Ives 18.30-19.30

Tues 23rd Prayer in the vestry 9.45-10.00

Meet up @ Coffee & Chat- St. Georges Day-

wear Red & White & Quiz 10.00-12.00

Thurs 25th Knit & Natter - Warm Space 10.00-12.00

Fri 26th Ladies Group 20.00

Sun 28th Evening Service Rev. Jenny Haggar 18.30-19.30

Tues 30th Prayers in vestry 9.45-10,00

Meet up @ Coffee & Chat 10.00-12.00


ANNE's Celebration Service

How wonderful to see so many people here for Anne s Thanksgiving Service following her burial in St. Mary s Church graveyard in Kelvedon. The sun shone throughout, Anne was highly thought of indeed and people went out of their way to be part of her tribute. The church was packed and I think Anne would have been amazed. We heard some wonderful tributes to Anne from her birth to the end of her magnificent life. The Smith family had worked very hard gathering photo s of Anne and documenting her long life. These photographs were projected during the service. Anne had chosen her hymns, which were all rousing and it was a very uplifting service, followed by refreshments at Cressing Temple Barns and a chance for people to share their memories together. If anyone wishes to read the eulogy and tributes I do have copies of them all. Please let me know

Anne s nephew Stewart runs a family Rose Nursery and has asked if we would like to make a small Rose garden in Anne s memory. He would supply the roses for us. We thought that would be a lovely idea and hope to arrange something later this year.

News & thanks

Last month was a busy time for the church. Thank you very much Marie for helping me bunch the daffodils for Mother s Day. It was a lovely occasion and good to see so many people come along. Sadly Marie couldn t come in the end because Elsie wasn t well. Thank you Denise C for organising the refreshments alongside your trusty crew Gloria and Dave.

We have also celebrated Easter with a joint service here on Good Friday with our friends from the other churches in Silver End. Our friends from the Catholic Church led our walk of witness, and the Rev. Jane Quinton led the joint service. Thank you to those who did readings for this service from each church. Refreshments followed and St. Francis provided some delicious hot cross buns. Thank you ALL very much..

Easter Day was lots of fun. Carol Hutchings and her team did a wonderful job for our family service and it was great to see so many families come along despite the clocks going forward an hour. Of course the Egg hunt was a big draw and the children had a wonderful time. Followed in the evening by a very thought provoking service depicting the last week in Jesus life until we celebrated His resurrection. Once again thank you Denise, Gloria and Dave who were busy in the kitchen.

Church Garden, Martin Holland has agreed to cut our grass again, which we are very thankful about. Daphne has been busy filling up the green bin. Duncan next door very kindly cut the hedge and made it tidy for Anne s funeral. He said he wanted to do that for Anne . We are so thankful for all those who help keep our building and grounds looking nice.

Church Painting

As we mentioned last month it has been agreed to paint the church outside. It could certainly do with a lick of paint! We are only painting the actual church at the moment, because of the cost. I want to thank all those who have given so generously already. We have had 2 big donations, which is amazing, thank you very much. , The work is likely to start in May, and there will be scaffolding around the church. We have a gift box at the back of the church if anyone wishes to donate money towards this project. Thank you

CHURCH CONTACTS- on line www.silverendcongregationalchurch.org

Coffee & Chat Tuesday 10.00 - 12 noon

Church Treasurer & Enquiries Mrs. S. Gray Tel. 07710 285214

e.mail sharon@silverend.org

Church Telephone No. 01376 584306 Post Code CM8 3QF (Silver Street)

Silver End Guiding Group Contact Mrs. Carol Hutchings 07857 663959

Rainbows, Guides, Brownies, Rangers & other groups

Monday Miffy s Fab & Fit 9.30-10.30am

Tuesday Silver Swans Movement Class 9.45-12 Contact Gemma 07597 649240

Wednesday Carolyn s Dance Group - Disco/Street Dance Contact Harriet 07855 014717

Thursday SILVER TOTS (Baby & Toddler Group) at 9.45am- Nikki 07809 761902 (Term Time)

Thursday Knit & Natter Thursday 10.00 12 noon Contact, Barbara 01376 585467

Thursday Miffy s Fab & Fit 6-7pm

Friday Ladies who Chill Group Contact Nicki for details nickicyp@yahoo.co.uk

SCOUT GROUP Dan Sutton (Scout Leader) dan@silverend-scouts.org.uk

07970 730636

The earth is the Lord s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.

Psalm 24:1-2

Our Prayers: Some of these prayers below are repeated. Pray continually 1 Thess. 5:17

Give God thanks for this wonderful time of year. Spring flowers and green hedgerows, trees bursting new green leaves and blossom. Birds singing and gathering nest materials, How wonderful, how marvellous is this amazing world we live in. Thank you Lord.

Father God we thank you for this fellowship. We thank you for our building, which is warm and welcoming. Thank you that we can meet together as your children to worship and praise You. What a privilege that is. We thank You for Your love and continued goodness towards us. Lord please bless this village and all who belong to You. We pray for the other churches that meet in Your name. Help us all to work together to show your love, mercy and grace. Amen

We pray for all who are grieving, we especially think of Jenny, Jeanette, Pat, Anne and Valerie s families. May they know a special touch of comfort and peace from God as they go through difficult days ahead.

We lift prayers of Hope & Healing for: Michael, Jean, Norma, Ted, Barbara, & Jacob.

We continue to keep in our prayers, Doreen, Judy & David, Brenda, Val & Geoff, Iris and Shelia, we miss them, being unable to be part of our fellowship due to age and mobility. May the Lord bless each one.

We would pray especially for all conflict that is going on in the World. Immediately we think of Israel and Palestine and the Gaza strip, Ukraine and Russia and the worrying involvement of Iran supplying weapons to both Russia, Hamas and the Houti s.

Earthquakes in Taiwan and US. Massacre in a concert hall in Moscow. Violence and deaths in Haiti. There is so much to pray about and these problems are vast. We pray for solutions to be found and a peaceful end to conflict. We pray for all who put their lives in danger to help bring aid. Pray for the families of the 7 people killed bringing food and assistance when their vehicles were targeted and destroyed.